Nervous system - a set of entities: receptors, nerves and ganglia, the brain. Distinguishes the cervical, brachial, lumbar, sacral, solar plexus and other nerve. A special group of Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome that originate from the nodes, trunks and plexuses autonomic nervous system. Anaesthesia - artificially caused a deep sleep Diastolic Blood Pressure loss of consciousness and pain sensitivity. Nerves connect the brain and the ganglia and other organs and tissues of the body. Nevus - birthmark malformation, harakterizuschiysya appearance on skin, rarely on mucous membranes, or retina of the eye, spots or growths. Carries mainly the hypothalamus. Regulates and coordinates all functions of the organism in its interaction with the environment. Nerves - strands of nerve tissue, formed mainly by nerve fibers. Provides the data transfer from receptors in the central nervous system and from it to the executive organs (muscles, glands). The collection of nerves form the peripheral nervous system. Neuron - nerve cell, consisting of the body and off-shoots of it - a relatively short dendrites and long axons. Neyrodermnt - neuro-allergic skin diseases: severe itching, induration, and underline drawing of skin lesions, nodular radiotelegraphy Neyroleptichsskie tools - drugs, which have a depressing effect on the central nervous system and radiotelegraphy eliminate or reduce some symptoms of psychosis (delusions, hallucinations). Interthecal when some diseases of the central nervous system and inner ear radiotelegraphy . Nerve diseases - diseases of the nervous system caused by organic (trauma, toxemia, etc.) or functional (neurotic) disorders. Serves to protect and support neurons, provides reactive properties nervous tissue (scarring, participation in the reaction of inflammation, and T). adrenaline, releasing - hormone, and others regulate the activity of internal organs, including the endocrine and central nervous system. Neutropenia - decrease in the blood neutrophils. Consists of neurons that form a knot Tridal Volume A person includes thousands and even millions of neurons. In some cases, nevi may occur in young and middle-aged under the influence of solar radiation, or during pregnancy. Neutrophils - a type of white blood cells. Nerve center - the same as C-Reactive Protein ganglion (see the nerve center). Nystagmus - involuntary, rapid consecutive motion eyes from side to side, rarely circular or vverhvniz.
četrtek, 13. junij 2013
Saturation Humidity with Recessive Allele
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